Buy A Florida Vacation Home Blog

Radian aka Pyramid Platform aka propoffers aka Homegeniusre on Twitter - 01/04/2023


I tried to reach out the a Radian company Pyramid Platform social handle a couple weeks ago on their social media Twitter, I was wondering if they had a profile for pyramid platform or their prop offers system. 

I had sent a direct message follow up at the time asking if they were aware the listings from propoffers couldnt be shared on social network and were behind a sign in wall. I in the same message inquired if they were aware that their social was buried on their website and was hard to locate as it wasnt on homepage you would be surprised how many banks service outlets lack some basic things such as this.

Given this profile @HOMEGENIUSRE they have has under 100 followers I would think banks would be interested to know how little exposure their bank owned listings were getting online when selecting this platform. 

So for reaching out and asking with the message above they blocked direct messages on Twitter. 


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Beware of copycat profiles on twitter - 01/03/2023


I was updating my Reddit Profile today and was pulling up old tweets to use that I wanted and was logged into FloridaBuyHome  on Twitter pulling up my CavsTheBlockFan only to find that someone had made a duplicate profile of my profile. @cavsblock instead of @cavstheblockfan they copied over the title name, copied over the pfp, copied over the banner when you click on the profile.


This happen to line up with just in the past week I had a tweet promoting a minting that was a fake website setup to steal peoples nfts message me and tag me on twitter,  that I wrote about earlier this week here 

The idea I believe with this is yet another scam

1. They will ask your followers for funds to be sent so you can unlock other funds you have tied up and cant access for one reason or another. 

2. They want to make it look like the real profile that they can tie to their opensea account to make it look as though I am selling the authentic nfts if they were able to steal them, so that it looks to be sold from account that minted.

3. This has happen with Facebook and other socials as well. Scammers would dm people on facebook and say they are stranded and need funds wire right away etc.

I posted to let people know that it wasnt me on that twitter account, the trick here is that they sell old accounts on black markets so that they can look to be originals and just start to post because most dont use search filters to see if they posted on that account years ago and no ones scrolls past 100 tweets, I believe had they been able to steal my nfts they would of copied my tweets as well to make it look like the real account. 

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I have talked so much about nfts I made a 2nd account cavstheblockfan - 01/02/2023


I didnt want to overload my main Twitter account and listing to enough marketing videos along with reading stories and hearing podcast on sales and what to do and not do I know that its recommended to show a specialty in an area and gain a following from having variations within a topic, I feel that is part of why ActiveRain has grown so well from its start, you were allowed to write about whatever you would like to dive into,  how to videos, how to market, how to anything. 

The reason I went with a 2nd profile was the retweets that are done with giveaways where you have to retweet something being given away, many times you dont win the entry and sometimes you wonder if they really awarded anyone if they didnt have an announcement on that thread but sometimes I have won somethings.  I didnt want to make people that supported me in real estate have to see all of the retweets and another thing is airdrops that you have to follow their account and retweet and or tweet something with hash tags so again it can get to be a lot of tweets. So I went with making a 2nd profile besides my FloridaBuyHome which I went with that name because a long long time ago back in the 2000's it was suggested to go with keywords with handle names that was the trend.

You may have seen this post earlier today and this is what spurred me on to search my titles to see if I ever mention I had a second Twitter profile and thought this would be a good post for those that wanted to take a look that might be interested and in the nft group here on ActiveRain. 

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My 2nd instagram account cavstheblockfan - 01/01/2023


I previously wrote about adding my instagram account to ActiveRain 

Today I wrote about 

making a second account on Twitter which lead me to search the title search box to see if I recently shared my instagram 2nd account. I found no results so wanted to write this post and a little reason on why I created it, Twitter was to not have post about retweets and about hashtags that are required for giveaways and airdrops that unless your into nfts you wouldnt be into on my regular 1st account which was mostly about real estate. My instagram 1st account is mostly about real estate but the 2nd account is not so much about giveaways or shares of post and commenting, my 2nd account is about galleries so far mostly with oncyber virtual galleries and the displays of what I put together in the galleries. Those that follow that recently created account would likely be interested in nfts and in art along with crypto one or all of the above.  I thought this would be a good post for the nft group as well to share my instagram account name for those interested. 

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Updated my Reddit Cavstheblockfan but havent spent much time there - 12/31/2022


Today has been a sharing day for me on AR, showing my 2nd Twitter, 2nd Instagram, and my Reddit accounts. 

I do get it with Reddit how someone could get drawn into spending time on the social platform, your checking your daily work emails and you get an email with all the days headlines, along with news from your groups your interested in for me its the Cleveland Browns currently with football season about to start up that I am keeping an eye on with their quarterback being suspended for most of the season, their running back asking to be traded then not wanting to be traded lots of drama. 


You can also join many other groups just like Facebook and now Twitter which has rolled out its own communities in addition to the zoom type spaces calls. 

They do have nft groups as well but I havent seen them referred to in Discord as much as Twitter or the other way around not mention as much on Twitter as Discord is when looking and comparing to Reddit. They are trying as you can see in the picture above they had artist lesser known college students and younger inspiring artist create nfts where they had a chance to have access to sales on the Reddit marketplace and be featured. I picked up a couple and updated my profile pic.

I however normally read the emails and then move on to other emails. 


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NFT group 2 months old the highlights - 12/30/2022


This was what I posted as the goals for reasons of creating the NFT group.

The strike through are of items that have been addressed with an overview so far.


"If you were wondering about what an nft was I have started the group for you.

If you wanted to find out where to buy one. If you wanted to find out research tools to know how many have minted in the last hour, also what minting is.

If you wanted to know all time sales for a project, daily sales and volume tracking follow along with the group.

If you wanted to know of other markets not just the largest opensea check it out.

The crypto market is in a bear market along with nft projects so this could be a good time to take a look and get started in the metaverse virtual land and building."

If you were wondering about what an nft was I have started the group for you.

I feel like we have covered in post along with the discussion on the call and the comments and answers I would point to that are on this post are a help to those starting out with nft.  I starred this post in the nft group talking about what is an nft resources 

along with a couple instructions videos from the write up for it on the blogpost 

If you wanted to find out where to buy one. 

If you wanted to find out research tools to know how many have minted in the last hour, also what minting is.

Currently 35 profiles on my Twitter list for tracking tools on nft minting that I mention in comments on post and on the weekly zoom call previously and here is the link again. 


If you wanted to know all time sales for a project, daily sales and volume tracking follow along with the group.

You could check the nft tools but you could also check the marketplaces themselves for data. Cyptoslam and nonfungible are two longtime existing tracking sites that release reports and or have website tracking on historical sales the other profiles are more current mints and sales for up to the minute tracking.

If you wanted to know of other markets not just the largest opensea check it out.


The crypto market is in a bear market along with nft projects so this could be a good time to take a look and get started in the metaverse virtual land and building. 


This is a good starting point to what to tackle next with future post the real estate land with talking about everyrealm along with parcel both have discords and websites if you are interested in metaverse land and developments they also put out reports on sales and history of marketplaces in regards to virtual land and are great places to find 3d builders.

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Crypto coin wallet trackers aka notifications - 12/29/2022


So I just finished writing and wanted to break it into two post as it really is a separate section to address. 


How do you get notifications to your email address? 


The answer depends on what blockchain the coin is on in the link above I showed a link for the binance chain which is what the smart contract address was for a coin unrelated to the airdrop which was on polygon chain and the binance was for another coin with similar name that was listed on CoinGecko (which is another website beyond the one I mention on the zoom meeting call if you attended that one on ActiveRain here) as I run into scams or run into things I think others would find interesting and would not know just starting out I will try to share it here on ActiveRain over time.  is a site you can go to if you have any matic or polygon to view your transactions, if you think of it as a bank statement for your coins. 

You can also view your hash called tx which you can think of as your receipt for your transactions one by one. 

You can sign up for an account on the site with an email and password.  You put in a user name and then go to settings and subscribe to their newsletter to learn more about their updates and blockchain.

You can also change your profile name and add a website if you have a yat or an ens domain name extension you like to use in web3. 

You can also have the system email you by adding a wallet address alert

You can also update previous tx hash to recall what it was you bought or sold by tagging the transaction with notes up

to2000 notes allowed. (you can always have a second wallet address if you get really advanced on transactions)

If you are sending funds to family you can also save their addresses so that you have it tagged and dont have to enter

the address every time however I would recommend at the least copy and paste the address to make sure your

account wasnt hacked and an address replaced if your sending any sizable amount on a transaction. 

These emails will also come in handy to alert you if transactions are happening that you didnt do think of it as a text

from your bank or credit card company for purchase alerts. 

You can also lump multiple purchases into one transaction if minting or buying from marketplace with an aggregator but that should be another post. 

Back to top and more on coin wallet trackers - 12/28/2022


Now I wrote previously about wallet trackers but highlighted layer 2 polygon aka matic as many large companies are doing free giveaways on the layer 2 given the cost savings on airdrops and that they can quickly and cost effective get nfts to customer bases with layer 2 currently until the merge with eth is completed they say next month but thats another post.

heres the link to the previous going ons with crypto coin wallet starter post 

Ethereum has changed in just the over years time I have been researching and learning about crypto they previously had dapp landing pages but have moved more toward a different design that doesnt look so much like ebay storefronts anymore. 

The info you will find will be on the smart contract page which will show you the amount of nfts or coins that are currently in circulation along with max supply info, in some coin cases there are no max supply just fyi.


You can see in the picture attached to this post that you can drop in a wallet address in the Ethereum blockchain explorer to search for transactions related to a wallet address if you follow the steps on the intro to wallet tracking post in the link above and have an account setup, you can follow your favorite celebrity projects by following their wallet address and or favorite investor in the space. 

All of these post are not financial advise. DYOR is the term in the industry which everyone in real estate can use as well Do Your Own Research. 

Hopefully this helps if you are interested in getting started feel free to comment if there is something you would like me to cover in future posts.  

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Setting up your metamask and coinbase wallets - 12/27/2022


If your dealing with NFTS if you dont know what an nft is check out this  

or if your dealing with Crypto coins, and looking to stake them (think of dividend payments for holding stock) or if your looking to do loans with dfinance exchanges you will need to have a wallet to handle one or all of the above. 

I would recommend metamask and or coinbase wallet to get started 

Over 20 million are using the metamask wallet and it was started by the Ethereum foundation, this was the first most important thing to me when starting with crypto since you hear all about the scams that are around and the hacks that are around I wanted to get as safe a wallet as possible.  Nothing in life is guaranteed but trying to be as safe as possible. Tried to limit mistakes that could cost money.

You can download directly to your desktop, laptop or smart phone.

It will work with all major browsers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Brave or Edge

It will be a free hot wallet service. 

Hot wallet means available to plug into a website like opensea so you can use the coins to deposit or wrap to make purchases on the marketplaces and or you will have the coins available to swap, stake or lend through the dex's decentralized exchanges.

If you wanted a cold wallet meaning less likely to have a chance of having an nft stolen through scams 

You can get whats called a cold wallet, if you just want some crypto to keep for years and dont want it to be online you can download it to a usb drive try to go to trusted sources when selecting one something along the lines of cnet 

just check the dates of their posts for updates in the way advancements if your reading this post in the future.  this is the official link  to download metamask the “Install MetaMask for whichever devices your using and browser. get started

3.create a Wallet 

4.create a password (write copies of the password down on different pieces of paper)

dont email it to yourself and dont screenshot it on your phone these are known hacks.

thinking notpad on your phone, no they have hacks for that too.

5. Secret recovery phrase, you will see post in Discord and other services saying dont ever share this with anyone, this is just like a password but it allows them full access to your wallet if you do. (write it down on paper)

if its considerable amount put it in safety deposit box (those have been searched and funds seized in California with residents though) (save that for another post)

You will only need it when setting up or moving the wallet to another device whoever you share it with think of it like having access to your bank account so only trusted officials if its a sizeable amount -Attorney might hold onto it, family office manager, financial planner. They likely would be setting the wallet up for you if you have a certified planner and your not reading this so for the rest of us heres the rest of the steps.  (There is such a thing as multi signature authenticator worth looking into if you are one of the top 1 % Realtors in the country and reading this... Trust but verify. 

6.You can locate your unique MetaMask public address by clicking the “Account 1? button


Thats it you have setup your metamask wallet and have your public address which most do share as they would need your password, seed phrase to be able to gain access, and or if you click on something giving them authorization to spend from your account through smart contract, links above on those scams. 

This again is not financial advise, this is just in case you are interested and want to pick up some crypto and wondered where to start. ??The best advise I received when starting out when you first send funds to your address send a very small amount a single dollar of crypto to make sure you copied the address right and all is working much like a credit card number it wont work if you have the wrong number it wont process however unlike a credit card if you send it to the wrong address by one letter in the address you just sent money to the wrong wallet. ??

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Crypto Crypto Crypto adding coins to your wallet referral link - 12/26/2022


If you have CNBC on in the background while writing contracts and or answering emails and texts you likely have heard of crypto coins at this point I think you would have a hard time finding anyone that watches any financial networks or news channels that havent had multiple stories at this point. 

CNBC has went so far as to starting a CNBC world, Bloomberg similar has a streaming service you can catch up on at anytime crypto. 

I had previously written about starting out to set up your crypto wallet here 

The next step is getting some coins that you can use to either stake or swap for other coins on exchanges or buy nfts and pay for gas fees etc. The nice thing that struck me about cryptos beginning was the sense of community of people talking about and excited for the future of the technology those communications articles, tweets, posts companies shared in this growth and excitement as more people that transacted the better it is for their platform to pickup transaction fees by members and to have funds on their platform under management custodial but thats for a another post. Some companies offered a signup reward to get started like Coinbase.


There will be others that offer signup bonus and you can have multiple wallets to take advantage of the bonus sign up however I recommend checking out if they are members of FinCen and also if they are registered as a Money Service Business thats not 100% assurance but not many things in life are, I did do that search myself when signing up with celsisus they were registered with fincen and with the state of Delaware just a side note. this is my referral link that will get you 10.00 in bitcoin to start out for joining Coinbase click the see terms link under their signup **full disclosure they send me 10.00 too if you use the link setting up your account. **

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